How to Correctly Self-Tape
Your Commercial Audition
Needed Now More Than Ever
It’s become more prevalent than ever today, having to self-tape your commercial audition. Even Agents are asking actors to self-tape their auditions for representation as it saves them time, and helps speed up the decision making process. You must be proficient at self-taping to compete for bookings. Moreover, the process for self-taping commercial auditions is different than auditioning for TV/film roles. So, you must learn the difference. This online tutorial was created to eliminate the guess work of self-taping your commercial audition and submit a performance that positions you to book more work.
Price: $45
✔ The correct and most cost-effective lighting and other tools you will need including tripods, easels, and the correct color background to purchase.
✔ How to properly use your cell phone so your video is the correct orientation that Casting Directors expect to see.
✔ The correct clothing to wear, where you “dress to express” the role you are auditioning for.
✔ The correct framing of your actual image in your video that Casting Directors expect to see.
✔ The correct “eyeline” to use for commercials when reading copy. Yes! It’s different than TV/Film auditions.
✔ Use props or no props? Great question! You will learn what is correct!
✔ How to handle confusing, or seemingly incomplete audition instructions.
✔ Should you submit more than 1-take? You will learn the answer and possibly create more bookings for yourself when making the correct choice!
$35 (Introductory rate. Normally $50)
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Online via a link that will be emailed to you.
30 minutes.
It does not expire. You can login and watch whenever you like, as often as you like!
‘At-a-Glance’ PDF Print Tutorial Instructions
‘10 Additional Bonus Notes on How to Self-Tape Your Commercial Audition’ PDF